This morning, Mommy took Benny and me to Play and Learn at the library. It was so much fun. They have a TON of toys there. They also have an arts and crafts section, play-doh, and a water table. When Play and Learn was over, mommy took us to the playground. I met a couple of nice kids there (I call the little one "Action Jackson," but I'm not sure if that's his name). After we played for awhile, I was hungry so mommy bought me some chicken nuggets. When I finished eating, we all went to the Children's Museum. I played and played and played. I could've played some more but, after three hours, mommy said it was time to go home. I fell asleep in the car.

This is me with some kids I met at the playground (I'm the one in the middle).

Here I am dancing with my new friends.

My sweet little brother

Playing in the water

I got really wet, and then decided to put a raincoat on.

Do you think I can add "cashier" to my resume?

Benny Boy

It's always important to read the labels

Checking out