Friday, March 26, 2010

Visiting the Easter Bunny

Yesterday was a great day. We did a bunch of fun stuff like went to the library (I checked out a TON of books) , had lunch at the D.Q. (Ben and I ordered hot dogs, but we just ate the bun), and played at the Children's Museum. After all of that, we decided to go to the mall. I wanted to go to Gymboree to look for some shark trunks (they were out of my size, so I got glow-in-the-dark dino jammies instead), and mommy wanted to play on the dinosaurs at Dino Land. On our way to Dino Land, mommy told me to close my eyes. When she said that I could open them, I was looking right at THE EASTER BUNNY!! Ben wanted to pet him (everyone thought that was hilarious - I don't really know why) and I wanted to talk to him (he just smiled and waved a lot - I think he must be shy). We also got to take a picture with him. This is what he looks like.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Fort

I LOVE to build forts. My favorite forts are the ones that are made out of A LOT of pillows and blankets (Daddy and I used to use sheets, but mommy got sick of folding them).

Can you see me hiding under there?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Daddy's Birthday Weekend

Daddy had a pretty awesome birthday. On Friday, Grandma and Engen took us to Kobe's for dinner. I like that restaurant because they have a fish pond and really good rice. I also like to watch the chef do tricks with his utensils. Our chef, this time, was "Mikey Boy - the caucasian sensation." He was pretty good.

On Saturday, I woke up and made everyone coffee, carmel rolls and eggs. After breakfast, Grandma and Engen left for Minneapolis and we got ready to go to Cavalier. The drive there was kind of boring, so Benny and I decided to take a nap. When we finally arrived at Grandma Linda and Grandpa Ricky's house, we had a great time. We ate lunch, played, had some cookies, took a bath, and then played some more. After all of that, it was time to go home.

Sunday was daddy's birthday, so we wanted it to be really special for him. First, we made him breakfast in bed. Next, we sang "Happy Birthday" and let him open his gifts. Then, we took him to the circus. Daddy was getting kind of tired (he is getting older you know), so mommy, Ben and I walked to the playground while dad took a little nap. When we got home, daddy was awake. We all played outside for awhile and then enjoyed some delicious Applebee's to go.

Daddy and Grandma waiting for a table at Kobe's
Grandma and Engen
Ben patting my head
Daddy and I watching Mikey Boy make our food
Me and the birthday boy
Tackling Grandpa Ricky
Trying to pick out the best cookie (it was a hard choice)
Blowing out the candle on daddy's apple pie
Ben REALLY liked to pour the water himself. He didn't even care if he had a cup to pour it into.
Drinking water so he can refill the cup
Playing baseball
Ben and me with Grandma Great
Cuddling with daddy
Waiting in line to ride the elephant
Giving my brother a little push
Walking home
Shoveling the grass

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, mommy and daddy took me and Ben ice skating for the very first time. I wore hokey skates, but Benny just wore his boots. We had a GREAT time. I really love ice skating!!!
First time on the ice

Taking a break