Okay, here's a quick recap of the last several days. I went to the zoo on Friday, Saturday and Monday. I might have gone on Sunday too, but I can't remember. Yesterday, we played at home most of the day and then went to the mall. While we were there, some lady from Kiddie Kandids asked mommy if she could take pictures of me and Ben. I didn't really want to have my picture taken but I DID want to play with the toys, so I went along with it. I got a sucker at the end and mommy got free photos. We have to go back tomorrow so the lady can take pictures of Benny. I hope he lets me eat his sucker!
My family at the zoo (I really wasn't in the mood for a picture)

Here I am talking to a White Faced Saki Monkey

My brother is a stud!

Grass......my gift to mommy

Riding the Mickey Mouse car at the mall
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