Saturday, October 4, 2008


We went to the zoo today. I saw my girlfriends, got a bat and a new lizard at the gift shop, ate at McDonalds, saw a bunch of animals, and played on the playground. I had a lot of fun and now I'm going to bed!

This is me eating a chicken nugget.

My baby brother

Here I am trying to make a stationary bunny rock. It didn't happen.

This guy is filling in for Parker.
Playing on the frog
Saying goodbye to Nikki

1 comment:

nikki said...

good morning seth and ben, i just wanted to say thanks for coming to visit me fri and sat it was so much fun. i liked playen with your penguin, and your new toys mommy bought you. i will miss you and cant wait till i get to see you again. seth tell mommy i said hi and thanks for coming to see me. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, nikki