Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Visitors From the North

Grandma Linda and Grandpa Ricky came to see us for a couple of days last week. We had a really good time together. We played animals, read books, went to the Museum of Natural History, visited the Rainforest, and took lots and lots of pictures. I wanted to take them to the mall to meet the Easter Bunny (I call him Easter), but they had to get back to ND. Mommy said that maybe we can do it next year.

Big hugs for grandma Linda
Me and grandpa Ricky
At Max and Erma's
Posing with a dino at the Museum of Natural History
In front of the waterfall, at the Rainforest
I had the best seat in the house.
Benny and I with grandpa
Ben and I sure love each other.
Benny enjoying his very first piece of pizza
Washing it down with some H2O
Here I am sleeping through dinner.
Three generations

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fixing the Recession

Mommy said that we have to do our part to help fix the recession, so she took us to Kiddie Kandids. Here's our stimulus package......

Friday, March 6, 2009

Zoo Junkies

Mommy, Benny and I spent most of yesterday visiting zoo animals. First, we went to the Akron zoo and saw the penguins, stinky flamingos, a kamodo dragon, two big turtles, jellyfish, and a few other things. I also got to go on the climbing wall and play with some cool animal puppets. After the zoo I wanted to go to Play and Learn, but mommy said that it was closing. Apparently, I spent too much time on the climbing wall. We decided to stop at the Cleveland zoo instead.

Walking across the rope bridge
On the climbing wall
Stomping on leaves at the Cleveland zoo
Benny swinging
Playing at the mall

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Play and Learn Fiasco

Yesterday was kind of a busy day. We woke up early, so mommy decided to take us to Play and Learn at the library. Little did she know that the hours changed on February 1st. Instead of being able to play from 10-12, we now can play from 6-8. Most days that would be good, but yesterday it meant that we were 7 hours early. I was REALLY disappointed. Mommy felt super bad, so she took us to another play area in the library (it's not nearly as good) and then to the Children's Museum. We ended up having a really good day and will be going back to Play and Learn tomorrow (at the right time).

Doing puzzles with my little brother
Putting on a puppet show for Benny
Ben LOVED the instruments
I liked them a lot too

Bringing mommy some money
Ben and his baby
I'm on TV
Watching myself
Here I am using a drill to build a house

Ben playing with bricks in the sand room